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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

File Extension BAK

File Extension Bak is a file backup is usually used to backup original data so if data in the previous edit so there's more data to be used again safely. to make a file extension tanks usually have the software already. which often is software that automatically create a file extension bak to modify the file that contains the configuration of the system.

File extension bak
used for backup files. Generally .bak file is a backup of original file. The easiest way is a copy of original file renamed to .bak file extension. So, to restore original file, rename file to its original extension.

If you're running out of hard drive space, BAK files can sometimes be safely removed if they are a couple of days old and you have closed down all running software. However, before you do so, you should consider what the BAK file is a backup of file, it may be beneficial to keep the file. Examine the filename as well as the date and time the file was created.



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